While working in Farmington NM with my wife living in Lakewood I was commuting back and forth probably 48 weekends a year. We decided to try and find a place to stay part way between the two locations and have been extremely blessed to be Guffey residents for more than a decade. My career has three distinct segments each of which has prepared me in part for the position of Park County Treasurer. I was a forester and forest manager for an old growth Douglas fir/Redwood forest for the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation in Northern California. This required technical expertise but more importantly the ability to work with the Tribal governing body. Secondly I was Acting Budget Officer for a bureau within the Department of the Interior. This required working with senior managers within the Bureau to develop short and long term strategic plans and communication strategies in support of the plans. Finally I was involved in oil and gas development on Indian Reservations. Initially I was Director of the Federal Indian Minerals Office in Farmington which had deligated responsibilities and authorities from three Bureaus within the Department of the Interior. Our mission was to assess, prepare for sale, sell and administer oil and gas leases for Navajo allottees and once in production to collect, account for and distribute royalties . This led to a position helping to develop national level policies for oil and gas development on Indian trust lands. Through these positions I have worked at the grassroots level meeting the needs of individuals, developed government strategic plans and messaged them, and helped develop policies to be implemented at a national level. The breadth and depth of this experience has prepared me well for the position of Park County Treasurer.
Email: stockbridge@parkdems.org